
KENET (Kenya)

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A revolution in surgical training for Kenya

A new digital platform allows Kenyan surgeons to access international expertise and empowers medical students with hands-on learning experiences from real surgical cases.

Academic roaming keeps Kenyan hospital online

A collaboration with national research and education network KENET allows doctors, nurses and medical students at the AIC Kijabe Hospital in Kenya to connect to Wi-Fi via eduroam.

Digital transformation for Kenyan education

The project meets the evolving needs of education ensuring learners are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in a digitally driven world.

Citizens help monitor disease outbreaks in Kenya

Web platforms and mobile applications allow Kenyan citizens to report health symptoms, enabling national research and education network KENET and partners to spot disease outbreaks.

Open WiFi for research and education in Kenya

KENET, the national research and education network of Kenya, and its partners have established the first cloud-based Open WiFi architecture in Africa.

How corona viruses have affected camel herding

Since camels often move between different regions, controlling diseases such as corona viruses calls for a transboundary approach.

Ensuring students and faculty have access to online resources

The Kenya Education Network has collaborated with the country’s mobile service providers to provide data bundles at discounted prices to KENET institutions’ students and faculty members.

Preserving a vital food source with the help of advanced research infrastructure

Scientists in Kenya and Australia collaborate on a research project to diagnose viruses that infect cassava, and sequencing whole cassava virus genomes in order to help eradicate infection.

Kenya Finland partnership boosts access to geoinformatics education and training to aid sustainable development

The groundbreaking TAITAGIS project aims at building a critical mass of postgraduates equipped to overcome the huge human resource deficit in Applied Geoinformatics in Kenya and Eastern Africa.

Working together instead of in isolation to train engineers in Africa

Collaborating across borders to train the trainers opens the door to new opportunities for developing the skills of network engineers in Africa. This engineering workforce provides services that underpin research and education outcomes for the nation.