
Health & Medicine

Fighting cervical cancer with supercomputing

According to Finnish research, vaccination against human papillomavirus HPV can provide herd immunity. The team uses High-performance computing provided by CSC, the NREN of Finland.

Citizens help monitor disease outbreaks in Kenya

Web platforms and mobile applications allow Kenyan citizens to report health symptoms, enabling national research and education network KENET and partners to spot disease outbreaks.

How supercomputing may improve our sleep

With the help of the supercomputing and the research network, researchers exploit the vast amounts of international sleep data.

Personalised healthcare made cyber secure

A trial in Japan has demonstrated the world’s first system able to store genome data from many individuals in multiple locations so that they can be used for medical treatment and healthcare.

How computers can speed up drug discovery

In a joint project, University of Eastern Finland and Finland's R&E network CSC have cut down a key procedure in drug discovery from four months to 10 days.

High-speed internet during medical training

Eduroam is being deployed in hospitals and clinics in South Africa, providing health sciences students and staff with easy access to the internet at off-campus and on-campus training locations

How corona viruses have affected camel herding

Since camels often move between different regions, controlling diseases such as corona viruses calls for a transboundary approach.

Connectivity aids successful surgery to separate craniopagus twins

ICT shortened the distance across the Atlantic Ocean between Rio de Janeiro and London, allowing the exchange of information and surgery rehearsals in real time in a virtual environment.

Making cross-border cancer research collaboration safe and secure

SURF's Research Cloud makes cutting-edge collaborative cancer research faster, more cost-effective and more impactful.

Relief ahead for dry irritated eyes with help from supercomputing

Gazing into computer screens for hours contributes to millions of people suffering from dry eye syndrome. Backed by supercomputing, Finnish researchers suggest better eye drop treatment.

Enabling researchers to reuse sensitive biomedical data

CSC has recently developed new services for sensitive data management for research so that data from more patients can be shared and analysed to fast-track discoveries.

Supercomputing takes cancer research to a new level

While a variety of genetic factors are known to play major roles in relation to cancer, the specific pathways still largely remain to be discovered. This is the main scope of computational biology.